What Is Steering?

The practice of “Steering” is when an insurer or a representative of an insurer requests or pressures a customer into using their claim center or to have their vehicle repaired in a suggested body shop they have an agreement with or are in contract with. The agreement or contract would be to repair your vehicle the way the insurer dictates, not always following repair procedures recommended by your car manufacturer. Their dictated repair usually involves using inferior counterfeit parts instead of original parts made by the manufacturer of your car. The result is cost savings to the insurer but could also result in an unsafe repair and/or diminished value of your vehicle.

Steering is an Illegal act that insurers are finding a way around without penalty of law.

Be aware of the tactics some insurers may use to “steer” you…..

They may say by NOT using one of THEIR shops, they will not warranty the repair…but guess what — all repair shops, regardless of affiliation with insurers — also offer this warranty.
They may say by NOT using one of THEIR shops, it will delay the repair. Well, quality takes time, and most of the delays can be avoided by communicating with the insurer, as well as the repairer of your choice.
They may say by NOT using one of THEIR shops, you may have some out of pocket expense. This is an issue you take up with the repairer. Make sure you communicate with your repairer.
You do NOT have to use their suggested shop or claim center.

Know your rights before getting involved in an insurance claim!

CT State Law:
You have the RIGHT to choose your own body shop.
It’s written right on your insurance card as well as ANY insurer estimate.

Find an ABAC shop that works for you, NOT the Insurance company.